St Augustine’s College recognises that curriculum planning is a process that must ensure high expectations and equity of opportunity to succeed for each student. When engaged in Religion curriculum planning, our staff recognise “the entitlement of each student to knowledge, understanding and skills that provide a foundation for successful and lifelong learning and participation in the Australian community.” (Shape of the Australian Curriculum).
St Augustine’s College’s Religious Education Program articulates a Catholic view of learning and teaching and is structured around the Model for Religious Education.
This model seeks to teach people religion and to teach people to be religious in a particular way.
We seek to teach religion and teach our students to be religious in a particular way. In order to enrich our Catholic identity, we aim to teach and promote a ‘post-critical belief’ whereby we recontextualise the Catholic faith tradition in ways that our current community is able to engage with. All experiences of Religious Education at St Augustine’s College needs to provide meaningful and appropriate engagement for both staff and students.
Our College curriculum planning is compliant with, ACARA, QCAA and Brisbane Catholic Education regulations and guidelines.
Expectations for Religion curriculum planning:

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Catholic Identity
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Augustine’s College